Thursday, June 14, 2012

Motorcycle Weekend Bash 5/5/12-5/6/12

Ansonia, Warsaw Park - This was the first official show to kick off the crafting season. A two day event to benefit disabled American veterans. A very worthy cause. Here they had vendors of various sorts, crafts, food, bands, demo rides, tattoo artists, "Bite the Weenie" contest, slow bike race/loud pipe race, stunt riders, and more. Now, the things that were advertised, but weren't allowed consisted of the adult portion of the program. Much like Laconia, NH., this was required to be a "family friendly" event. The promoters were not allowed permits for any such riff-raff. Here's the list: Body painting, lingerie show, bikini bike wash, women's mud wrestling, wet T-shirt contest, and no mechanical bull. What is a biker to do? Knit? Meh. Drink beer. That's exactly what they did. Drank beer and rode off on their Harleys. This was the first time we ever did a bike show. The Mushroom Lady was recruited from the Garlic and Harvest Festival in Bethlehem, CT, during Columbus Day weekend. That's how we landed this gig. I thought it would be fun. Not so much. I was already suffering from antacid issues, and the weather wasn't too good. Saturday it was pretty raw out, rained a little, and generally dreary for the most part. Not many folks came around to the vending area. Okay, so why not wait for the next day. Hey! Sunday is a new day!

More of the same. Only this time with better weather. Even the kettle corn vendors didn't come back the next day!

Bikers were out and about in droves, but they didn't want to part from their money. Not for crafts at least. Beer? That's a priority, considering no fun for adults. I got to see the most motorcycles I think I've ever seen congregated in one area. Tons of them parked row after row. How do the owners figure out which bike is theirs when there are some two hundred and fifty black Harley Davidson motorcycles parked in one row? I mean, there were no row markers or any indication of organization. It's not like a bike can call out, "I'm over here, master!" Aside from that, there was one moment that will stick with me. It was when I went over to the food area and got some fried dough. Right as I was dumping the powdered sugar, I heard the announcement about having a moment of silence for the veterans and all the soldiers who continued to fight for our country. There was a pre-recorded version of the "Star Spangled Banner" sung by Juice Newton. Every biker that I could see, had their hand over heart. It was very touching and gave me a sense of pride. The flag danced in the wind for all to see and honor You hear so much about people being turned off of reciting the pledge of allegiance, and foreigners getting uptight because of the patriotism shown. You'll always find somebody offended by something, even belief in one's country. The truth is, aside from the beer, the $10 admission price, the no adult show, not much money made by vendors...

...America DOES matter.